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About Ego


Today I wanted to talk about Ego.  

Please don't be confused with high self-esteem and self-confidence. Healthy self-esteem always adequately perceives the world and oneself in it.  Yes, a person is confident in himself and his decisions. But he does this without pride, does not consider other people fools and  does not elevate himself above them. He is always open to new experiences, ready to learn and accepts the experiences of others. Because this only makes him stronger, gives him new additional resources.  

An inflated Ego is painful. It never leads to success and never allows you to win. A person constantly criticises others, is intolerant of other people's opinions and considers everyone around him stupid.  And so he can walk around in circles of his problems for many years, without seeing a way out.  Of course, the Ego is part of us. In a normal situation, this is a defence mechanism that allows us to see danger. But it can and must be tamed, you need to explain it that it does not know everything.  Otherwise, this aggressive know-it-all will take over your life.  

What to do if you feel that the Ego is starting to interfere with you? First of all, fix the crown.  Understand what got you into trouble and laugh at yourself. Recognise other people's right to be different. Start listening to other points of view and looking for resources in what other people say.  Even if you don't agree with it. And then, believe me, step by step, you will succeed.

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